There’s just no accounting for taste. Early on in my relationship with My Better-half, we had our first fight over whether one needed to read the classics. It was a doozy. We were attending a reading of a popular author that she liked. “I used to be you,” the author said to an English major in the […]
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Hatin’ on Shakespeare, Joyce, Steinbeck, Twain…
2014-05-22 · by Daniel ·
Filed Under: Blog Post · Tagged: Anna Karenina, James Joyce, Jane Austin, John Steinbeck, Leo Tolstoy, Mark Twain, Othello, Ray Bradbury, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, William Shakespeare
Classic Authors Ripping on Other Classic Authors
2014-05-19 · by Daniel ·

We’ve all been stung by criticism. And the last thing a writer wants to read is sharply voiced critiques of their carefully crafted prose. But even the great writers of the modern classics–you know, folks like Jane Austin, Mark Twain, William Faulkner–were criticized by their peers. Including other great writers. A couple of my favorite sharply […]