25 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time…Maybe

What are the 25 best sci-fi books of all time? In a genre that has constantly evolved since before the days of Mary Shelley, Jules Verne and H.G. Wells (okay, okay… I recognize that the days of Shelley and Verne and Wells are not the same days. Not by a long shot. Let’s just call that the […]

Review on an unfinished book | Psychoshop by Alfred Bester and Roger Zelazny

Life is just too short. Let’s be completely honest: we all pick up books for various reasons. A recommendation from a trusted friend. It was up front in the airport bookshop. Written by a favorite author. A great cover. I picked up Psychoshop because it was written by Alfred Bester. I was at Powell’s in […]

Review | The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester

The Stars My Destination is one of the more memorable books I’ve read in recent years, as well as one of my favorites. Written by Hugo winner Alfred Bester in the mid-1950s, the short novel,  stays away from the technobabble and neologisms that might date it and as a result it retains potency decades after […]

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