Emperor Kairominas is nearly a god, the master of his realm, nearly unchallenged and…his masters are demanding that he procreate. To do so, he’ll have to condescend to leave his realm to find an equal, but that equal may be far more than he expects.
I much enjoy Sanderson’s tomes, er, novels, but I’ve come to appreciate his abilities in shorter formats, as well. The Emperor’s Soul is one of my favorite stories out of his growing volume of work, and it augured that Brandon has talent even when working in a shorter medium and with a much abridged cast.
I don’t want to give away too much about Perfect State since to tell too much would spoil the fun of the story. The Goodreads/Amazon summaries finish by questioning what happens when the “most important man in the world is forced to have dinner with the most important woman in the world?” It’s accurate, but a bit of a red herring. The more relevant question, and why I bump this up from a three to a four, is more about what happens when technology allows us to retreat to our own echo chambers, self-created universes, and cultures? And what might happen if we can transcend those self-created obstacles?
We don’t all have a deus ex machina to force us to grow (or do we?), but Sanderson’s Perfect State deftly takes the trope and uses it so plainly and obviously as to transcend it.
It’s a fun, quick, and even insightful read, and it reflects Sanderson’s ongoing growth and development as a writer.

Science Fiction
Dragonsteel Entertainment, LLC
March 31, 2015

God-Emperor Kairominas is lord of all he surveys. He has defeated all foes, has united the entire world beneath his rule, and has mastered the arcane arts. He spends his time sparring with his nemesis, who keeps trying to invade Kai's world.
Except for today. Today, Kai has to go on a date.
Forces have conspired to require him to meet with his equal--a woman from another world who has achieved just as much as he has. What happens when the most important man in the world is forced to have dinner with the most important woman in the world?