I loved Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell. Dark, gritty, and grim, the tone of the story is not my typical fare. And, to be honest, I feel a little guilty admitting how much I enjoyed it–after all, Brandon Sanderson is one of the biggest names in fantasy, and expressing admiration for his work is like admitting that one likes to drink water.
But trust me: Shadows is one of his best, yet. As an added bonus, it’s one of Sanderson’s few works that weighs in at less than the weight of a small child (okay, so it’s an ebook, which means it’s electronic and so the weight is negligible…but you get my point: it’s only novella in length). As with all of his stories, Sanderson lays out rules for a system of magic, or supernatural power, and then proceeds to put his characters into a conflict wherein each of the rules will be necessary to the outcome. Because Shadows is shorter than is typical for Sanderson–except for his juvenile fiction–the language tight, the setting more narrow, the plot quick to unfold.
The world of Silence Montane is peopled by what seems reminiscent of 16th century Protestants, from the names to the kinds of weapons that the characters rely upon. Silence is an innkeeper with a secret, alone in the world, but somehow managing to stay independent in a dangerous world. When a dangerous criminal passes through her inn, an opportunity, and a threat, emerges. But any who cross Silence underestimate her at their peril.
Sanderson is adept at setting up and introducing elements that will emerge later as a twist at the story’s end, and Shadows is no exception. More, the story is replete with twists as Sanderson takes his characters through one conflict after another, piling them up, before finally resolving each with satisfying and redemptive completeness.
Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell is only available as an ebook. I recommend it to any of Sanderson’s fans for a quick and satisfying read, as well as to anyone looking to experience Sanderson for the first time.

Dragonsteel Entertainment, LLC
March 3, 2015

When the familiar and seemingly safe turns lethal, therein danger lies. Amid a forest where the shades of the dead linger all around, every homesteader knows to follow the Simple Rules: "Don't kindle flame, don't shed the blood of another, don't run at night. These things draw shades." Silence Montane has broken all three rules on more than one occasion. And to protect her family from a murderous gang with high bounties on their heads, Silence will break every rule again, at the risk of becoming a shade herself.
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