Description: Dragons love parties. Dragons love tacos. Most of all, dragons love taco parties. But beware, if you throw a taco party for some dragons, then do not put spicy salsa on the tacos. Dragons do NOT like spicy salsa!
Story: The first time I read this book to my daughter I thought, “Meh.” But the more I read this book, the more and more I love it. And you should know, that we’re reading this book a lot around here, cause my daughter keeps asking for it and thinks it’s so funny. This ‘Meh’ of a book is quickly becoming a family favorite and one we’re going to have to add to our own library.
Illustrations: Filled with some fun and often hilarious illustrations, after reading this book, you’ll probably be hungry for some tacos withOUT spicy sauce.
Overall Story Rating: 1/2
Overall Illustrations Rating: 1/2
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