500 Ways to Write Harder by Chuck Wendig
Previous to 500 Ways To Write Harder I’d never read anything by Chuck Wendig, and I still may never. But if you’re looking to kick-start your writing habits, Wendig has the weirdest, most energetic, and, well, most kick butt ways of telling you to write…harder. Yes, harder.
It’s a fun, foul-mouthed list of 500 thoughts, insights and ideas to help the budding writer. Wendig divides the 500 bite size thoughts into lists of 25, dealing with character, ideas, stories, publishing, agents, critics, editing, and more. Truth to tell, I didn’t really read this straight through. Rather, I have it on my mobile phone and iPad, and I would pull it out between…stuff. Outside the elevator, waiting in line, and on the porcelain throne. I’d read a couple of Wendig’s “ways to write harder” and recharge my motivation to write, be awesome, and to create. I’ll keep it on there, too, because writing doesn’t seem to get easier, just better, with practice.
The 500 ways all seem to have one thing in common: write, write, and write more. Reading a book about writing is not writing. Writing is writing.
Which is why this review is shorter than as is typical for me. I’m going to go write.
PS. When I say “foul-mouthed,” I really do mean it. Wendig likes to cuss.
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April 21, 2014

500 Ways To Write Harder aims to deliver a volley of micro-burst idea bombs and advisory missiles straight to your frontal penmonkey cortex. Want to learn more about writing, storytelling, publishing, and living the creative life? This book contains a high-voltage dose of information about outlining, plot twists, writer's block, antagonists, writing conferences, self-publishing, and more.